Why your team definitely wants craft beer over a (stale old) hamper

Two employees savouring craft beer tasting paddles at a rooftop bar, enjoying a variety of brews and the scenic view.

G'day, mates! It's that jolly time of year when employers aim to spread some cheer among their hardworking teams with those traditional gift hampers. But hold onto your tinnies, 'cause here's the scoop: the modern workforce is all about personal and unique gestures, and nothing says "mate, you're valued" quite like craft beer.

Craft beer, you see, is as personal as it gets. Brewed in small batches by local legends, each beer is a unique creation, setting it miles apart from those mass-produced brews (or those ho-hum, generic stale chocolates and that “gourmet fare”). It's about connecting with your local brewers in a way that run-of-the-mill beers simply can't replicate.

Picture this: after a year of hard yakka, you want your team to kick off the festive season on a high note, right? Craft beer rolls in with its snazzy, eye-catching cans that are practically a work of art themselves. We're talking an entire industry award category dedicated to can artwork – these cans are like mini masterpieces! Not to mention the creativity that goes into each and every brew’s taste profile.

Now, they say it's the thought that counts, and we're all in for thoughtfulness. Corporate hampers, well, they're usually a bit, shall we say, generic. You know, the odd-tasting no-name chocolates and biscuits (no offense, but they're not everyone's cup of tea). But a box of hand-curated craft beer? That screams, "We've put some thought into this, champ!"

Craft beer won't break the bank with, and with our snazzy and vibrant packaging, it's a surefire way to put a smile on your employees' dials. After all, who can resist the allure of a cold brewski?

In the grand finale, craft breweries pour their hearts and souls into creating these beers, making them just as special as your top-notch team. So, show your appreciation this festive season with a box of crafty brews. Cheers to celebrating the unique and the remarkable! 🍻

If you’re keen to place a corporate gifting order, head on over to our Corporate Gifting page to learn more!


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